Thursday, 29 October 2015

Tips For the Metal Desktop Card Holder

The business cards you carry in your pocket today evolved from visiting cards that go back as far as the 17th century. During the 18th and 19th centuries, a visiting card would be given to a servant at the door and carried to the lady or master of the house on a silver platter. Whilst no longer carried around on silver platters, even in today's electronic world, business cards are still an essential tool for any serious businessman or trades person. We still expect to be able to ask for a business card and phrases like "I've just changed jobs and haven't got the new ones printed yet" don't leave one with a warm feeling about the organisational ability of a potential new supplier. If you don't intend to have business cards, think of your response now to a potential customer requesting one, would you be delighted to hear this response from a potential supplier? If so, stop reading now and find a more useful way to spend your time.
Many organisations use business cards as an advertising medium. Plumbers frequently ask their favourite builders merchant to keep a supply of their cards on the counter in a suitable business card dispenser. On the third visit for parts, even the most diehard DIY'er consider screaming for help. If you're likely to use your cards in this way, keep in mind they may end up in a multi pocket business card stand with only the top part of the card visible, keep this in mind when designing the layout.
Keep a small quantity of cards on you at all times as you never know when a marketing opportunity may present itself. Keep these in a pocket business card holder to avoid them becoming dog eared. Portrait business card holders exist, but the majority are in landscape format. One school of thought has it that this makes your cards stand out and by making people turn your cards to read the details are more likely to stay in medium term memory. Now you have decided on a format and a size, what information needs to be on the card. The bottom of the card and particularly the bottom right is usually reserved for contact information, physical address, telephone number, fax, mobile and email address, web site as required. Now you have everything on your card, remind yourself that a business card is a form of advertising and all advertising should be kept as simple as possible. Select a good Metal Desktop Card Holder, it can make you look more atmosphere, you can sell yourself better. Our company offers a wide variety of business cards, you can design it yourself, if you want to learn more, please visit the website of baghangermanufacturer.

Related Reading: Metal Name Card Holder

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